Thank you for coming to HelpSomeone.Today
HelpSomeone.Today is a giving portal for people like you and I to help others.
You will find places to donate money by check, digital, or crypto on this website. And you will find other websites representing organizations small and large as well as individuals needing your help.
It’s very important that you take the time to look at the individuals who need help and not just the large organizations or causes. Every little bit of help going to individuals in need will be beneficial.
We do not take money to help others. We do not accept money for charity. We are only here to guide you to the right place and make sure you are giving to an established and legal charity where the money goes to good use or to an individual who honestly needs help. We do our best to filter through everything so you are NOT donating to a place in which 90% is being used as salary and only 10% going to charity. That’s not right and we have done everything we can to scan, evaluate and filter everything before it ends up on this website.
HelpSomeone.Today has been created in partnership with and 543Networks, Inc.
Thank you for coming and make sure you donate today.
Staff at HelpSomeone.Today